Mark m.

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Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States


Über Mark m.

71 Jahre alt | Television Management (Retired)

I'm a recent retiree with a travel bug. I have traveled the U.S. extensively, hitch-hiking in my teens, extended business trips during my working days, and via vacations with my family and loving, departed wife. In the past five years I've expanded my travels outside the U.S. with extended stays of 30 - 90 days in Spain, Portugal, Honduras (the island of Utila), Ecuador, Ireland, and Italy. I have become a true believer in the need for Americans to see the world through the eyes of others. I'm certain the travesty of Trump would have been avoided had a majority of Americans experienced a broader world view.

I am a voracious reader with a lifelong love affair with books. Since retiring, I've turned to writing, publishing a memoir written during my two months on the tiny island of Utila and a read-aloud children's book. I am a "foodie" with a broad appetite for foreign and ethnic foods. I am a self-trained sushi chef and have raised over $30,000 for local charities by auctioning how-to home sushi parties. An avid vegetable gardener and wine-maker too.

I'm a father of three strong, independent women and grandfather of six little girls that, no doubt, will follow in the footsteps of their mothers.

I have lived alone the past nine years, and when not traveling, have been caring for a mortgage-free home. For most of those years, I cared for a loving basset hound mix breed - I certainly do miss him. I will care for your home, and pets if necessary, in the same competent way.

Please refer to the references provided by Peter & Emily, homeowners in County Wexford, Ireland, and Francesco, of Tuscany. I can also supply the very positive feedback I've received as an AirBNB guest in Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, Ireland, England, and France, as well as the U.S.

Thanks for taking the time to read this far! I hope we have further communication.

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Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Mary c.

Exeter, United Kingdom - März 2019

Mark is a very sociable person who integrated well into life in the UK. We were able to arrange a video chat prior to choosing Mark which was very helpful in making the decision. When we returned we found the house tidy and our cat Alfie looking very healthy and happy.

Francesco S.

Italy - Februar 2018

È stata la nostra prima esperienza con Nomador e siamo rimasti veramente entusiasti di come tutto sia funzionato al 100%%. Mark M. è stato eccezionale!


März 2017

This was our first house sitting experience, and with Mark we found a real gent. We had allocated 2 days for the handover and Mark was particular in trying to understand what we wanted from him as well as enjoying the local area. We left an elderly dog in Marks care also, and she seemed to take to Mark quite well. Mark kept us informed of a couple of issues that had arisen while we were away and had managed to resolve them himself. The house was very clean and tidy on our return, with no discrepancies or problems. We have already asked Mark to sit for us next year and would have no hesitation in recommending him to other home owners.

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