Rosie d.

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Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom


Über Rosie d.

61 Jahre alt | Retired

We are Simon & Rosie  a "non smoking"couple in our fifties. In 2003 we moved from the UK with our family  to the USA and lived there for 10 years owning a landscaping, property management and cleaning company. In 2013 once the kids had departed and went on their travels we decided to up sticks again and move to Panama. This was a total new beginning as we became managers of hotel/b and b's, one on a remote beach for 20 months and the next in the Canal zone in the city for two years.  We then spent 10 months traveling / pet sitting   throughout  central/south America. This was a great experience before returning to UK for a family visit. The next adventure was house sitting in Greece where we helped harvest Olives and then managing villas on the island of Paxos and thoroughly enjoyed helping out with PAWS ( animal welfare society) attending to strays. We thought about slowing down and staying in Europe but there are pets to look after so in December 2018 we headed for New Zealand where we pet/house sat for five months. The summer of 2019 we house/pet sat in Spain caring for dogs, cats and even a mule. We spent winter of 2019/20 in SE Asia house sitting in Thailand and Vietnam both times looking after beautiful cats. We returned to Spain in the March to start house sitting the first was for ten days but due to owners not able to return we done three months. During these terrible times we have been flexible to help home owners and as the priority look after the pets. We then returned to Gaucin Andalucia looking after Belen the cat and Sisi the mule.
After a family visit in September we came to Cyprus in October 2020 for a wedding and have stayed. Between renting we have completed two house sits in Kapparis and have now got temporary residence.We are currently looking after 14 cats and 2 dogs in Paphos which will be ending September 11th 2021. Hobbies include walking, cycling, reading and all sports .
We enjoy learning the history , culture and language of each country and interacting with the local community as much as possible and of course being able to share your pets. We are big animal lovers and your pets will be overloaded with love. We give regular photo updates to you via Facebook messenger, email or whatsapp of your fur kids. We are home birds so your pets have a lot of walks and company as Rosie teaches online too.

We look forward to our future home and pet sits.

Regards Rosie & Simon

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Simon , 64 Jahre alt, Housesitter, Ehepartner / Partner
Rosemary, 61 Jahre alt, Housesitter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Roni C.

San Vito, Costa Rica - November 2017

Rosie and Simon were wonderful. They loved being there, and took great care of the place. They let me know when they had questions, and were enjoyed by the neighbors in the community who met them. They spoiled my little pup silly, I think she would have been happy to go with them. Overall, I can't say enough good things about them, and would have them back any time!

Ken & kim b.

Crucita, Ecuador - Juni 2017

  Rosie and Simon are Great! From the time we offered them the position and they accepted, Rosie kept in contact with us.  We became quick friends. While we were gone for 2 months, Rosie would check in every few days and send pictures of our kitty's.  The communication was great.  We left them a full instruction booklet on our house and "what to do in case" (since we live in a small fishing village) and everything went smooth. Plants were alive and looked good.  Our home was left tidy and everything in place. We told them to eat what they needed or wanted out of the pantry and if was the last one just replace it, and they did.  Upon our return Rosie had a fruit salad made for us and cold drinks ready. Our cats loved them! Vader & Mixto were very well cared for.  They were happy and content and so loved.  In fact, so happy and loved they ran from us when we got home and still slept with Rosie and Simon Thursday night.  :) I am happy to report although they still miss Rosie and Simon, they are back to following us around and sleeping with us. They didn't gain weight, they didn't loose weight.   Our community loved Rosie and Simon as well.  They made so many friends that it took us quite a while to get to dinner and back their last night here as everyone was saying goodbye. I know they will be missed in Crucita!   We feel blessed to have found Rosie and Simon and we welcome them back anytime to our home both as sitters and as friends.  Our door is always open to them! Happy Travels! Kim & Ken Brown

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