Ken & kim b.

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Crucita, Manabí Province, Ecuador


Über Ken & kim b.

Forest Ranger

Ken and I are retired and enjoying life! We lived in Kentucky for nearly 30 years, prior to selling our home and moving to Ecuador a couple years ago. Before Kentucky, we lived in Southern California where we were raised. We love the beach and that's what brought us here. The fresh fish, veggies and fruits are an added bonus!

We still have family in the states; our children and grandchildren are in Arkansas, Kentucky and California. Our parents are in California as well. We currently have 2 fur kids-Vader and Mixto. They were rescues. I should mention they are spoiled rotten!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
kimberly, 65 Jahre alt, real estate agent, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rosie d.

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom - September 2017

Kim & Ken are amazing hosts. From the first skype call we felt like we had been friends forever. We had great communication right up until our arrival where Kim and Ken met us at the airport. We were so pleased to have a few social days with them as this gave us a chance to get to know each other, have a few meals together, meet with the locals and we got introduced to the expat community whom we could call upon for anything if needed. We had a fantastic two months at Crucita, made so many friends and we will always have very fond memories. Now the kids.... Vader & Mixto are the most beautiful ,adorable cats with wonderful character's..We especially miss their hugs. I want to thank Kim & Ken for entrusting us with their fur kids & home. We miss them all dearly and if ever back in Ecuador will be sure to stay with our new friends. For now we are social media friends and love getting gato photo updates. Best wishes Rosie & Simon.

Logement de Ken & kim b.

Manabí Province, Ecuador

2 Katzen

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