Cathy n.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Cathy n.

Cafeteria worker

My name is Cathy, I'm 39 years old. I'm from France and have been living in the US for about 20 years now. My husband David is French too, we have been married for 15 years and have a 13 year old son and an 11 year old daughter ( as well as 2 four legged kids, Wes and Nova, our 12 year old Labs ).
David likes to spend his free times working on projects around the house while I like to relax and go to the beach with the kids to cool off when the weather gets too hot !
Our home is clean and organized, and smoke-free ( smoking is allowed outside only ).
Wes and Nova has been raised using French commands and we would love to find someone who speaks French to take care of them, it would make things a lot smoother ! But we are open to other propositions too. It's our 1st time using Nomador.

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Jessica P.

Lunel, France - August 2017

Nous étions en contact depuis quelques semaines avant notre arrivée afin d'apprendre à se connaître un peu mieux. Lors de notre arrivée, nous avons été accueillis comme des reines! David est venu nous chercher à l'aéroport. Pleins de petites attentions nous attendaient. On ne pourra jamais assez les remercier! Tout était fais pour nous faciliter notre séjour. Pendant leur absence malgré le décalage horaire ils sont restés disponibles pour toutes questions. On ne peut rêver mieux comme hôtes!!! Lors de leur retours nous avons passé un excellent moment avec eux et leurs enfants. Wes & Nova sont adorables! Dès notre arrivée nous avons eu le droit à un accueil festif de leur part! À chaque retours de balade également! Ils sont facile à vivre et attendent l'heure du repas avec impatience ???? Je pense que nous pouvons dire que cette expérience Nomador nous à apporter de véritables amis. Hâte de les retrouver en France ???? we were in contact for a few weeks prior to our arrival so we could get to know each other. when we arrived, we were treated like queens! David came to pick us up at the airport. lot of sweet touches were waiting for us. we can never thank them enought! While they were away and despite the time difference, they were always available had we any questions. We couldn't hope for better hosts!!! When they came back, we had a very nice time with them and their kids. Wes and Nova are adorable. Right when we got there, they welcomed us very happily. And every time we returned home after an outing too! They are very easy dogs and can't wait to get fed. I think we can say this Nomador experience brought us real friends. Can't wait to see them again in France.

Logement de Cathy n.

California, United States

2 Hunde

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