Linda w.

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Mandan, North Dakota, United States


Über Linda w.

Director of Purchasing

We love to travel & meet new people. We are big readers & always have a book in our purse. Linda loves to cook & Paula loves to bake!!! We are foodies & always willing to try anything. Enjoy: Live theater, TV, museums, countryside. Friends are important. We are non-smokers. Paula grew up in the Bronx, NY and has had rescue cats all her working life. Linda grew up in town and on a farm in Mandan, North Dakota and was President of 4-H. Took care of all types of farm animals. Raised a lamb (bottle feed) for 4-H. We always had dogs, cats, rabbits as pets. Paula worked in New York City and retired from her second job in Bowie, Maryland. Linda has worked as a nanny, waitress, Air Traffic Control in the Army (had a Secret Security Clearance), and Director of Purchasing for a large family restaurant business (36 years) and in charge of 4,000 plus items to keep in stock. We both retired early with another roommate (who has since passed away) to Las Cruces, New Mexico. We moved with six cats until they passed, making sure they were comfortable in the later years by keeping up their medications and keeping comfortable until we agreed with the help of wonderful vets that it was time to say good-bye. We miss those pets. Wanted to travel. Pet and house sitting is our new venture, which we plan to do for many years, in the States and Canada first for experience and then overseas. We are looking forward to loving your pets. We have owned and taken care of a 3500 square foot home in Las Cruces. After our pets passed away we moved to Albuquerque, NM, to an apartment. It centralized us in New Mexico and we have enjoyed our new state very much. Now we will travel to learn the history and see the scenery of all our other states!!! Visiting family and friends along the way will be a bonus in between house sits. Paula has many states to add to her list; Linda just a few since my father loved to travel and we did many a family trip. Neither of us has a police record. Linda was bonded while in DC area when she babysat for an agency as a second job while working on her career she retired from. Her third job was joining the National Guard. Since retiring we have worked for a friend to help her out; volunteered and started a non-profit for Military Women; and at our present facility have volunteered to take care of library; and have worked with our Activity Director researching Bus Trips, Movies, Book Signings, Lectures for residents. We also started R

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Paula , Human Resources Interviewer/Benefits, Freund

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Bonnie j.

März 2019

Cat-sitters par excellence!! Linda and her partner loved our kitties like their own. We trusted them to care for a 6-month kitten and an exceedingly reserved tortoise shell and all four fell in love. They sent frequent reports on the cats and we always felt confident that both our pets and our home were in good hands. They handled a couple of small problems calmly, including a consult with us at the earliest opportunity. Our home was left as they found it. We hope to see them again.

Laura s.

Wichita, United States - September 2018

When Linda and Paula answered our advertisement, we thought we had probably found the *perfect* sitters for our situation. We were proven absolutely correct! They took excellent care of our house and our precious animals, especially our diabetic high-maintenance cat. They learned how to administer kitty insulin shots before they even got here, which allowed us to go on holiday with perfect confidence in their abilities. It was such a relief to know our pets were taken good care of while we were away. Without Linda and Paula's care and communication, vacation would have been much more stressful, with us worrying how our animals were faring without is. But we could relax and enjoy ourselves, knowing they were in good hands! Many thanks, Linda & Paula! Happy travels!

Suzanne b.

Canada - Januar 2018

Loved having these ladies take care of my house and cats. They were excellent at keeping us informed of what was going on. When we returned home, the house was very tidy and the cats all looked very happy. Linda and Paula even had apple cider waiting for us in a slow cooker they bought especially for us. They are both very conscientious and I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone, or to having them housesit for us again.

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