Suzanne b.

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Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Suzanne b.

Sales Director (retired)

I just retired from my full-time job at the end of last year and my partner, who is 12 years older, has been retired for quite some time. He spends his time in the summer puttering around in the garden and backyard. In the winter, he spends his time in his workshop building or fixing things around the house. I do a little consulting on the side and have the option to work anywhere there is an internet connection. We keep busy just living. We are also very fitness-oriented and like to be active so we tend to go to the gym every day, or hike or bike nearby in the summer. Now that I am not shackled to a desk, our goal is to travel the world in the winter time (we are not skiers), going to the different places that we have on our bucket list. We are new to house-sitting and would like to share our beautiful home with like-minded people.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Peter, retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Linda w.

Mandan, United States - Januar 2018

Suzanne and Peter have three lovely kitties that are healthy and very, very lovable. They, also have a beautiful home that is very comfortable. Kitties and house were easy to car for; secure neighborhood and beautiful yard. Suzanne and Peter are wonderful warm people. We hope that we will be able to sit for them again.

Micheline A.

Gaspé, Canada - Dezember 2017

Pour une première expérience, j'ai reçu un très bel accueil de la part de Suzanne et sa famille. Les explications et consignes étaient claires. Suzanne a été très disponible pour m'aider à planifier les différentes activités que je prévoyais faire durant mon séjour. Les trois chats dont j'avais la garde étaient très faciles à cotoyer.

Logement de Suzanne b.

Ontario, Canada

5 Katzen

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