Anne and davy s.

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Knight's Town, County Kerry, Ireland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Anne and davy s.

66 Jahre alt | Davy, retired diver. Anne is a Yoga teacher.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Peter d.

Roeselare, Belgium - März 2018

Ann & Davy are wonderful people. They are very warm and caring, they have great stories to share. Their house, with beautiful view across the bay on the lighthouse, is absolutely cosy and inviting. Their cats, Trudi, Daisy and Ginger are shy, but lovable, funny cats. Everything is provided to have an excellent experience. Valentia island is an AMAZIN' place to stay, we had the best time here!

Amanda r.

Chicago, United States - Januar 2018

We had a wonderful house sitting experience at Anne, Davy, Trudi, and Daisy's beautiful home on Valentia Island. Anne and Davy are very kind people that went our of their way to accommodate our journey to their home. It was nice to arrive a day early to get to know them better and to learn how to best take care of their sweet cats. Their house is very cozy and the location is incredible. They were wonderful at communication while they were there as well as when they were away. Everything is detailed out very clearly so we felt confident in taking care of Trudi, Daisy, and visiting cat Ginger, as well as keeping their home tidy. It was out first housesitting experience with Nomador and it couldn't have been any better.

Logement de Anne and davy s.

County Kerry, Ireland

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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