Matthias h.

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DO, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

À propos de Matthias h.

34 ans | student of rehabilitation

Hey, nice to see you here. Weare Matthias (age 28) and Eva (29) from Dortmund . We are a happy couple since one year and living together in a shared flat. Matthias is studying science of rehabilitation and makes a living as a waiter in service. He loves making/hearing music and going outside into nature. Eva studys social work and did a formation as a child and hanicaped care maker before. She is interested in art and politics and loves to travel. In her childhood she had a lot animals at home and always a good connection to dogs and cats. Beeing a housekeeper would match perfectly, because we both love animals and beatiful nature.

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Mes compagnons de voyage
Eva, 35 ans, Conjoint(e) / Partenaire

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Allemand | Anglais

Avis de la communauté

Matthias h. n'a pas encore reçu d'avis de la communauté Nomador

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