Jules s.

Profil de confiance
Cet utilisateur a fait vérifier plusieurs informations sur son identité et a reçu des avis positifs de la communauté Nomador.

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

Dernière activité : il y a moins de 10 jours
Dernière activité : il y a moins de 10 jours

À propos de Jules s.

34 ans | Event Organiser

Hi, my name is Jules and I am a student liaison officer currently based in London. I love to travel in my time off and have found house-sitting a great way to do this. I love animals, especially dogs and cats, spending time with them while also having getting the chance to stay in a new place is just an ideal situation for me! I have previous experience of house-sitting and can provide references if required. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with your pets!

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Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais | Français

Compliments reçus

Ami(e) des chats
Sensible à la propreté
Dépasse les attentes
Guide culturel local
Donne des nouvelles
Ami(e) des chiens

Avis de la communauté


Marcel E.

Washington, United States - Avril 2024

It was great that Jules was able to stay and take care of Dolly while I was away. I returned home to a happy cat and a tidy house. Jules is trustworthy and responsive. It was truly a win-win situation and I would happily have her housesit again in the future.


Août 2019

Pour notre première expérience avec Nomador, Julia a été parfaite. La communication avec elle était très simple. Nous avons retrouvé à notre retour de 5 semaines une maison propre! Le chat et les diverses plantes se portaient bien! Nous recommandons fortement Julia comme home-sitter!

Claudia m.

Fort Myers Beach, United States - Mai 2019

It was a true pleasure to have Julia stay. She was utmost accommodating and took care of everything. My dog and cats and fish were in great, loving and caring hands. I would have her housesit again for sure, she was so very sweet and lovely.

Jenn s.

Charlottetown, Canada - Avril 2018

Jules was great, and kept the cats very happy! I hope that we will be able to arrange another house-sit with her in the future :)

1-2 sur un total de 5 avis

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