Juan & andrea

Profil de confiance
Cet utilisateur a fait vérifier plusieurs informations sur son identité et a reçu des avis positifs de la communauté Nomador.

Los Angeles, California, United States

Dernière activité : il y a 3 mois
Dernière activité : il y a 3 mois

À propos de Juan & andrea

34 ans | Economist - Freelancer

We're a couple originally from Colombia but residing in the United States. I'm an Economist from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and I work as a freelancer for an advertising company, which allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Andrea is a flight attendant and Video Editor with years of experience as an Au Pair. We share this special passion for traveling and learning that keeps pushing our dreams farther and further. We are animal lovers and for all these reasons we felt a real connection with the idea of becoming house-sitters, providing a wonderful care to your beautiful pets while exploring a little extra piece of the world.

We as a couple have house-sit many many in the United States and abroad, completing over 20 house/pet sitting jobs all over Europe and Asia. We have cared for dogs and cats exactly the same way we do it with our own at home and know exactly the type of care all animal/pets should receive at all time. We truly believe that not only animals but the environment and nature should be protected, preserved, and loved.

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Mes compagnons de voyage
Andrea Gutierrez, 29 ans, Video Editor, Conjoint(e) / Partenaire

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais | Espagnol

Compliments reçus

Ami(e) des chats
Sensible à la propreté
Dépasse les attentes
Donne des nouvelles

Avis de la communauté


Marine H.

Versailles, France - Décembre 2019

Andréa est restée chez moi pensant une dizaine de jours et s'est parfaitement occupée de mon chat et de mon appartement. J'ai reçu es photos ou vidéos régulièrement et j'ai senti que mon chat était en bonne compagnie.

Meri k.

Perth, Australia - Octobre 2019

Juan and Andrea were fantastic housesitters! They asked all the right questions before taking on our two fur balls to ensure a good fit and were very confident in navigating a foreign language and city. It was a delight to meet them and they were absolutely immaculate in their care of our house. It was clear that they were very clearly attuned to the demands and desires of our two cats and it was such a relief knowing that I could trust in their experiences to leave everything to them and to come back to an orderly fresh house with fat happy cats (that couldn't care less when we returned) was sheer bliss. I highly recommend this wonderful couple and cannot thank them enough.

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