Maylis f.

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Mimizan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France


À propos de Maylis f.

37 ans | International Pet Sitter

Hello !
My name is Maylis, I've been a pet sitter for the last 12 years, in France, Switzerland, Portugal, England, Australia, New Zealand, California, Costa Rica and Guadeloupe.. We want to do all countries ;)
My husband, Nick joined me in my pet sitting lifestyle 7 years ago and we met in 2009 while volunteering in the Amazon in Peru, for an ecological natural reserve. He is an international musician, and wishes to contribute to the environment by raising ecological awareness through song. We both do pet sitting together or separately when we are not in the same country..

Our life consist in working as Pet sitters and volunteer for Wildlife conservation, protection and research.. and making music for Nick. With the money made by those pet sitting (when there is a payment involve ) and the music.. almost once every 2 years we pay ourselves a Volunteering work, with or without a diploma in the end.. Which we hope to increase with time :)
This the most effective way we've found to always work with animals and to participate to Wildlife protection projects and to travel all around the World. In the end we will have a lots of experience in the field and I will have passed lots of exams for a Wildlife career :) Then, we want to open a rescue center with reintroduction, conservation and research program somewhere in the Amazon :)

We do Yoga, are vegetarian, we are true animal lover and are devoted to protecting wildlife and all pets..

My experience

- 12 years of pet sitting in Switzerland, France, Portugal, England, Australia, New Zealand, California, Costa Rica and Guadeloupe island.
- 6 month of professional working for a Pet Sitting / Dog Walking agency in Perth, Australia. (with all sorts of extra services for pets) in 2014/2015.
- French anto-entrepreneur Certified as Pet sitter.

I/we did 109 house sitting (without counting regular sits that we go back to every year in Europe) with 570 animals in total, including :

- 136 Cats.
- 263 Dogs :)
- 50 Chickens.
- 39 Ducks/Geese.
- 10 Turkeys.
- 20 Goats/Bucks.
- 6 Sheeps.
- 4 Alpacas.
- 10 Rabbits.
- 6 Rats.

Traduire avec Google

Mes compagnons de voyage
Nicholas, International Musician, Conjoint(e) / Partenaire

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Allemand | Anglais | Espagnol | Français

Compliments reçus

Ami(e) des animaux
Ami(e) des chiens
Ami(e) des chats
Donne des nouvelles

Avis de la communauté


Myrna k.

Atenas, Costa Rica - Octobre 2018

Maylis & Nick have been perfect house-sitters. They have kept us very well informed regarding the well being of our animals and have exercised and spent time with the dogs in a most beneficial manner. They are well organised, considerate of neighbors and careful with our property. We would recommend them wholeheartedly to anyone wishing to leave their home and pets in Mayliss and Nicks capable loving hands. They became involved with community projects and we would welcome them again as friends as well as house-sitters.

Chantal B.

Bordeaux, France - Septembre 2017

Mon expérience est toute particulière car nous n'avons pas pu concrétiser ma demande de séjour avec Maélys en raison de l'aggravation de l'état de santé de mon chien....Nous avons cependant bien communiqué et je l'ai reçue à la maison avec grand plaisir....J'ai vite constaté les compétences et le sérieux, nous sommes maintenant en contact et je compte bien renouveler ma demande l'année prochaine, j'ai aussi 2 chats, deux ânes et une ponette....Maélys acceptera volontiers de revenir si son agenda lui permet faute de quoi je ferai appel à de nouveaux home-sitters, je remercie Nomador et ferai appel à vos services selon mes besoins.....

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