Gee y.

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Über Gee y.

40 Jahre alt | Medical Interpreter

My name is Gee. I am a 34-year-old responsible professional working as a remote medical interpreter. I am a non-smoker who is in excellent health physically and mentally. I have my own method of transportation. I can describe myself as a highly adaptable, intuitive, openminded, and compassionate individual.

I grew up on an organic farm in Dover, TN with several farm animals including chickens, goats, and a horse! My father is notorious for his love of animals and he's to blame for my love of them as well. Growing up my family had lizards, rabbits, all kinds of birds, fish, cats, and of course dogs. Caring for these animals are some of my most fond memories in my childhood. I can say I truly love your pet already even before having met him/her/them! After college I adopted a dog of my own named Sushi, a pitbull/terrier mix. Since his passing, it's been emotionally difficult to think of adopting again. Currently I am living with and caring for my brother's two cats, Panda and King Kong. Panda is a bit skittish but highly intelligent and very adventurous. King Kong is the most laid back, please-rub-my belly kind of kitty. They are both very close and it's really interesting to observe such different personalities in animals. I am neither a "dog person" nor a "cat person". How can you choose?!!

Just like most sitters, I too am an avid traveler. Although I haven't officially house-sat through an established website before, I have had relevant and extensive experience in Couchsurfing. (Please see Couchsurfing profile: ) I have also unofficially housesat for friends and family including managing their Airbnb property. References can be made available upon request.

I understand sometimes it can be daunting to choose who to trust your beloved pet and your loving home with. Rest assured, I will give much love and attention to your pets, keep you updated as frequently as you like with whichever method you prefer, and leave your house cleaner than it was when you left. .

I have considerable flexibility as long I have reliable internet connection for work. We can make arrangements for a phone call, Skype session, or Facetime/Whatsapp call before confirming a sit so that you can feel comfortable that I am a good fit to care for your pet and/or house.


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