Jayson m.

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Indiana Beach, Indiana, United States

Über Jayson m.

50 Jahre alt | Social Media Manager

About Jayson

Hi, I’m Jayson, a 44 year-old social media consultant from Indianapolis, IN in the United States.
I am self-sufficient, responsible, and reliable. I am well versed in pet and property care, and I have a number of personal interests including travel, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures.

Working remotely, I want to start traveling more and relish the opportunity to connect with like-minded animal lovers across the globe.

I am currently seeking opportunities to further experience the many vibrant cultures that exist all over the world.

Why I want to house sit

I want to house sit to meet new people and take on the care of a pet (as my lifestyle doesn’t allow for pets of my own). By house sitting you can try out life in a new destination.

Since I first connected with the house and pet sitting community the concept has provided me with the opportunity to spend time with a wealth of four-pawed family members, meet a wide range of wonderful people.

I have found that the experiences I have whilst house sitting are unlike anything I would find when visiting destinations as a tourist. Having the chance to live like a local and integrate into the community is priceless; furthermore the opportunity to temporarily adopt a pet at each house sit would give me a real sense of ‘home’ despite mine often being many thousands of miles away.

I would like to speak with you via Skype to make sure we would be a good fit for each other.

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