Nila F.

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Golden, Colorado, United States

Über Nila F.

48 Jahre alt | Real Estate / Property Managers

Hello! We love meeting new people and experiencing new places which is why we travel and explore the world. We’ve been together 19 years, traveling mostly for the last 10 years. I grew up in the mountains and Michael grew up in the country, with many pets -- dogs, cats, hamsters, fish and ducks. Growing up, Michael cared for 2 horses.

Lately, we have a reputation with our friends and family as being “international travelers and house sitters”, and we were referred to this site. We have a lot of experience caring for high-end luxury real estate, boats, pets (dogs, cats, horses and more), and plants. Michael used to be a Lawyer and Real Estate Professional -- doing everything from managing multi-million dollar estates to rolling up his sleeves and fixing things himself whenever he can -- a real jack-of-all-trades. Now we are both semi-retired, focusing on traveling, experiencing life wherever we and learning new languages, walking, hiking, and staying fit.

In the past, we typically used Airbnb for traveling and hosting our spaces in Colorado. For references, we presently have 179 perfect 5-star reviews on Airbnb for both hosting and traveling. Additionally, we have excellent references for house sitting from the United States to Europe and beyond. We like it so much that we decided to sign up for "Nomador" (this is our first experience with a house-sitting site).

At home and abroad, we love picnicking, exploring and and trying new things. We love to fly, hike, ski and snowboard, dive and snorkel. We are actively learning French, German and Spanish which is one reason we are looking to house sit more (time to learn and practice). We a very flexible schedule because we can work from anywhere. Important to us: education, enthusiasm, expression, travel, music, literature and art.

We have enjoyed some terrific spaces while traveling, and when hosting we've tried to infuse our spaces with the best of what we've experienced as guests, the little touches and features to help you feel at home and have a wonderful stay :-) Our motto is to leave a place cleaner and better than we find it. Life is short; share and enjoy as many positive moments as possible :-)
All the best, Nila & Michael

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michael, 47 Jahre alt, Real Estate / Attorney, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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