Grace b.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Grace b.

44 Jahre alt | Chef/English Tutor/World Traveler

I'm a single, 41 year old who has worked as a chef for over 15 years. A few years ago I made the decision to leave professional kitchens in search of a more fulfilling lifestyle. I chose to follow my heart and my dreams of traveling the world. Since I made that decision over 8 years ago, I have been backpacking in SE Asia, have travelled in Central and South America and all over Europe. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, a Professional Culinary Degree from NYC and recently was TEFL certified in Bangkok. I set up my life to be able to go anywhere and do anything! But, one hole that is left in my life with this lifestyle I have chosen is animals. I adore animals and especially dogs and cats. I've done housesitting and pet care services since my college days and into my chef years as a side income. And now I do it full time. I have tons of experience, and have done sits in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and the USA. I have my own website where you can see some more references and pictures of previous sits. I belong to Trusted House Sitter, Mind My House, House Sit Mexico, House Sitters America and of course, Nomador. I am vetted with all these sites and have excellent references that are on these sites. In short, I'm experienced, professional and come with loads of amazing references. I will keep your animals happy, loved and safe while keeping your home and valuables clean and secure. I work from home, so internet is a must, but that assures you that I'm around the house a lot. Your pets will love that!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Margie Gutierrez, 69 Jahre alt, Retired RN, Elternteil

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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