Mark m.

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Austin, Texas, United States

Über Mark m.

59 Jahre alt | Software Development Manager

We are a recently retired couple from Austin Texas, USA. We worked in the software industry for 30 years.

Our daughters have all transitioned out to university and beyond, so we sold our ranch of 24 years to free up our schedule and local commitments so we can travel and house sit for others. We are non-smokers, resourceful and reliable, and ethical.

House sitting offers us the opportunity to travel in the way we enjoy. The slower pace and the ability to experience different communities is much better for us than hotels that are exactly the same everywhere in the world.

We have completed 5 house sits in the last year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We plan to continue. We have used a different house sitting service and you can see our references and reviews here:

Although we are relatively new to house sitting we did raise 3 daughters and their animals on a small ranch. We enjoy the company of animals and routinely look after my daughter's tripod cat. At various times we have had cats, dogs, cattle, and chickens at our ranch. We have experience in pool care and maintenance, gardening, and many other activities in house maintenance. We are capable people who do not panic if something goes wrong.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kimberly, 59 Jahre alt, Database Administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

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