Sarah d.

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Turlock, California, United States

Über Sarah d.

29 Jahre alt | Substitute teacher, bartender

I'm a woman in my mid-20s who has recently been working as a substitute teacher, a volleyball coach and referee, and a bartender. I'm currently loving taking the time to see more of the world, especially staying for an extended time to really get to know a place. I grew up with large dogs in the family home, and I have experience house sitting for people who have large and small dogs, cats, fish, and turtles. I come from an agricultural part of California, so I am comfortable around farm animals such as horses, cows, chickens, etc. I could care for them for a short stay, but I do not have any in-depth knowledge of their care, though I am always happy to learn. I enjoy curling up with a book, exercising, and people watching. I'm not much one for late nights out, so those would be very rare. And I always try to leave the home in a better state than when I arrived. While I'm solo traveling, I'd love to get the homey feeling that comes from some love from your animal!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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