Erika t.

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HKI, Finland

Über Erika t.

57 Jahre alt | aviation traffic coordinator

Hello! I am an avid experienced traveller, I enjoy exploring new places and meeting interesting people.I have always worked in travel industry so that is my passion nbr 1. I enjoy skiing ( well, you kind of have to because Iam from Finland with looong winters) , getting to know amazing cultures and learn about the past and the present. I like to go hiking, I read alot, watch movies listen to almost all kindsa music and love active dogs. In our family we've always had dogs:mostly hunting dogs, now shepherds. I like horses too, I used to ride a lot but now its been few years I havent been riding much. I am calm, sociable, responsible and very house proud. I like cooking; some Thai, some Indian and Italian and of course Finnish dishes as well. I ve worked abroad for several years and every now and then I need to get out of Finland hahaah. I would take very good care of your pet/pets and keep your place tid - even your garden. I dont mind getting my hands dirty.. I speak fluent english, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, quite a bit of French and I used to be very fluent in German too. I dont have a driver's licence so farm houses etc without public transportation arent an option for me. If it is a nice bicycle ride then thats fine. I prefer longer house sits( 4-9weeks).
Dont hesitate to contact me and I' ll tell more about me! Have a good day!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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