Jude s.

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Arrowtown, Otago, New Zealand

Über Jude s.

68 Jahre alt | glasshouse assistant

My name is Jude and my son gets married in Kent England 20 July 2019 I would like to extend my holiday and spend time the UK when I have the opportunity. I have often though of house sitting and know I would enjoy the whole experience
I am 62 years old and live in the beautiful village of Arrowtown New Zealand. I do a variety of pre retirement jobs including glasshouse assistant, supervised access and gardening.
I have four children and two beautiful grandchildren. I have a cat and often baby sit my childrens fur babies. (dogs)
My house is currently on Air BnB view at 'Tobins' Cottage Arrowtown
My dates are flexible, basically mid June to mid September. But will be away for wedding
29, 20 and 21st July Thank you

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