Katrine k.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Katrine k.

43 Jahre alt | Salon owner

Hello, My name is Kat. I currently do not have any pets at this time but I have had pets, mostly cats and dogs, my whole life. My most recent pet, my 19 year old feline daughter, passed in April 2020. Since then I have been fostering cats and kittens. The goal is to help bring them to good health and be socialized enough to be adopted. I am on my third foster right now and it brings me so much joy to care for them. I truly feel like they are helping me as much if not more than I am helping them.

I love to spend time outdoors, specifically hiking and surfing. I practice yoga almost daily. I love to travel, I've spent a lot of time in Switzerland as I have family there, spent short periods of time in various places in Europe including 5 weeks in Barcelona. I have also been to Mexico a few times and I traveled to India too. Mostly if the time I travel by myself. I enjoy reading, writing and drawing and this platform gives me wonderful opportunities to do each of these things with new inspirations. Aside from sitting on a porch or at a cafe to absorb the environment, I always try to find open markets to visit. Especially produce/food ones or any that may have antiques or vintage goods.

I am a beautician and I owned and managed a salon here in Los Angeles called La Mistinguette for 7 years which I closed in 2020. It was a unique space with not only hairstylists and estheticians but also massage therapists, reiki therapists and the like. I was sad to close my salon so abruptly, but I take it not as a loss and instead an opportunity for change.
I am currently working on setting up my next business online.

Being that I have the flexibility to work from anywhere, I would love the opportunity to do this in new and beautiful places. First priority of course is tending to your home and animals as instructed, carefully and conscientiously. The other parts of the day I plan to work on my laptop, write, practice yoga and spend time outdoors. I hope to enjoy this wonderful exchange with you!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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