Catherine O.

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Imatra, Finland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Catherine O.

28 Jahre alt | Product manager

Hi! My name is Kate and I'm a Product Manager! I graduated with a bachelor's degree in law, got the status of an attorney, but.... I decided to completely change my life, because the field of IT inspires me very much! Now I work as a Product Manager remotely.

I should say that I already had coronavirus twice (last was 1 year ago), and now I get checked every two or three weeks out of respect for the restrictions and the people I meet. I take a very responsible approach to this issue and ask people around me to behave the same way.

I have a 10 years old Labrador called Boss and 5 years old cat called Kyzya. I take care of them all the time, including vet and medical care. I love animals very much and do not consider myself a dog lover or cat lover, as each animal needs to be given a lot of time, love and care:)

I understand that it is very difficult for new people here to prove their responsible approach for the first time, but we can call on Skype or Zoom, I will always be happy to talk to you and tell you about my animals and listen stories about your animals (even if we do not meet in the future!). I love meeting new people anyway:)

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Deutsch | Englisch | Russisch

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Benedicte a.

Montreal, Canada - Dezember 2020

Katya was a wonderful house-sitter. I'm sad I never got to meet her in person! She was so understanding and flexible with the plans constantly changing due to Covid circumstances and last minute cancellations or problems, and I am super thankful towards her for that!! She kept me well informed during her stay and made sure to give Grey lots of love :) Katya is a super sweet, patient, understanding and overall perfect house-sitter. I can definitely recommend her! I'm sad not to have had the chance to meet you in person Katya, but maybe one day in Cologne or St-Petersburg. You are always welcome in Berlin!

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