Alison w.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Alison w.

55 Jahre alt | Strategic Development

We are an adventure-seeking family taking time out of our usual routine to explore the world. We are looking forward to living life at a different pace, and making memories that will last a lifetime. My name is Alison and I have worked as an executive manager with a focus on strategic development in community services for many years. Now I am stepping off the work ladder, prioritising family and spending time with the kids before they fly the coop. David is a sales and marketing manager whose work commitments mean he won't always be with us. When he is, he is a great handyman all-rounder! Max (18) has just finished secondary school and Cyrus (15), Saskia (13) and Rafael (11) are thrilled to be out of school and exploring the world. They are great kids full of curiosity about different cultures and appreciation of the world we live in.

On our travels, we want to experience life how the locals live it. A home like environment is importan to us, as is being able to spend time with animals. We are fortunate to live in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges outside of Melbourne, Australia, and we are proud homeowners and avid gardeners. We appreciate a clean and tidy environment and will take care of your home as much as our own. Pets have always been a part of our family including over the years cats, dogs, chickens, ducks and geese. Whilst we are new to Nomador we are experienced and capable in taking care of pets, homes and gardens, and have house sat for people locally. We want you to enjoy your time away, with the peace of mind knowing your home and pets are well cared for.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Max, 23 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Cyrus, 20 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Saskia, 19 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

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