Roger w.

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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Über Roger w.

69 Jahre alt | Teacher/Public Servant/Artist | Als Paar/Duo

We are a retired couple from Australia (teachers and government workers in a previous life) on an extended holiday to discover living in Europe. We have been house owners for 35 plus years. We have now sold our house and are enjoying travelling for more pet loving and cultural experiences. We are looking for a real experience where we assume living in different parts of the world. We are an animal loving couple who enjoy the simple things in life, nature, gardens, walking etc.. House sitting enables us to enjoy normal life in a foreign destination, in a relaxing friendly environment where we can live like a local, not as tourist place and have some lovely company to care for. We are homebodies and love giving pets the love and attention they need.
We have been home owners with extensive garden and home maintenance experience . We have had a range of pets and wildlife living in our residence over the years. We have been privileged to be able to travel extensively and have also been part of a hosting organisation for many years where we have hosted OS guests in our home and know about trust, responsibility and integrity when it comes to having people in someone else's house.
We have been pet sitting since 2015 and enjoyed 28 delightful house and cat/dog/hamster sits in England, Ireland (North and South), Switzerland, Wales, France and Cyprus and received a five star rating for each. We are homebodies who enjoy the chance to pet sit and now that we can travel again from Australia we are keen to keep enjoying the company of pets and travel when we get the chance. We missed cats when we couldn’t travel and Roger started making collage cats…we eventually were surrounded by 60 of them! If you have Instagram you can see Roger’s art work of cats… @rogers_cat_pics We are cat lovers indeed (nearly every photo of our travels involves a cat!). We regularly send photos and updates so you can see that your pet is happy if that suits you. Our WhatsApp number is 0061 434203552. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best wishes Cozette and RogerPS here is a copy of some of our recent pet sitting reviews for your reference: Roger and Cozette were our first house and pet sitters with the TH site and we couldn't have asked for a better experience. From our very first meeting, Roger and Cozette made us feel totally at ease making it easy to chose them to care for our home and two cats (Stanley and Maisie) when we were away for 2 weeks recently. Roger and Cozette are very self sufficient, respectful and communicated regularly before and during the sit and provided Stanley and Maisie with a level of care and attention that they're definitely missing :-) It was clear to us from the photos and updates that Roger and Cozette sent that the cats were calm, content and very, very happy. Roger and Cozette looked after our property perfectly and it was lovely to return to a clean and tidy house after a long day of travel. We were also lucky enough to have Roger make a few collages of our cats which are amazing and a really lovely reminder of them. We' couldn't recommend Roger and Cozette more highly and we'd love to have them back again. Roger and Cozette moved into our bungalow the night before we left on a 2 week holiday and we enjoyed dinner and an evening with them which also gave us chance to discuss the Cats, Molly and Bailey, as well as the delights of South Oxfordshire ! We were very happy to leave our home and pets in their care and on our return it did not look as if anyone had actually been here in our absence - our home was clean, organised and all was good. The cats were obviously great company for R+C and visa versa as we received pics of 2 happy cats quite often while we were away. Molly is on daily meds for her arthritis and there was no problem with R+C giving her the meds. Our neighbours enjoyed bumping into them on a few occasions which is also nice to know that both housesitters had support ICE and we knew our home was in safe hands. We would welcome Roger and Cozette back to No 23 anytime and highly recommend them for any responsible position. The cat collages created by Roger are beautiful and currently sitting in our windows for passers by to admire ! Thank you ! So pleased that Cozette and Roger stayed in my home to look after my two cats. In our call before they came they were considerate to the needs of the cats and in person they were good humoured and patient. Each day I was away we exchanged pictures and update of the cats and recommendations of how to spend time in Sheffield. They did a great job, and it really enabled me to enjoy my first big holiday since sharing my home with Umi and Amayah. Roger and Cozette were very warm, friendly and great housesitters. They looked after my Ragdoll cat, Margot, for seven weeks and listened carefully to my instructions. They regularly sent me photos and updates and even made a beautiful collage replica of Margot! I would recommend them as your house and pet sitter if you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy couple. Thanks again! Roger and Cozette were kind enough to look after our home and our cat Oliver for two weeks. They are a friendly laid back couple who are excellent communicators. They sent us frequent updates and photos of Oliver and we came home to a beautifully clean house and a VERY happy ginger fur baby who yowled for their return periodically for a week. We give them our highest recommendation. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Roger and Cozette were the dream house-sitters - quick/almost instant at responding to all our Whatsapp messages before their visit; capable, kind, thoughtful and reassuring throughout our trip - we felt so relieved and fortunate to know that they would be looking after our home and our beloved cat while we were on our honeymoon, and we unhesitatingly recommend them if you're looking for someone to trust while you're away.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Cozette, 67 Jahre alt, retired teacher / public servant, Ehepartner / Partner

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