Susana a.

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Miami, Florida, United States

Über Susana a.

37 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur

Hi! my name is Susana and I'm so excited about to start my career or, I might say, a lifestyle as a house sitter in Nomador and be part of this community which I believe is formed by very nice people.

I have a dog his name is Zeus and he's very friendly, happy and fit American Bulldog that thinks he is still a puppy. All the time I spend with him is quality time, he always going to running with me around the beach, parks, and Bahia. We like to play a lot as well.

My mom got cancer last year and he was a wonderful therapy and companionship for her. My mom is getting better now but since my dog played a very important paper in her recovery I know, she will be heartbroken if I separate my dog from her. She still needs to be with Zeus. So, now that he lives with my parents and since I am single with no kids, I decided to look for new experiences traveling as much as I can.

I'm an entrepreneur from Venezuela and I've been living in the United States for 4 years now. I work remotely from my home so, I just need a place with an internet connection to do my job. I love fitness and healthy life, which means I'm not much into crazy parties so, you won't have to worry about me setting parties in your place. I'm very organized and I take care of everything in the same way I take care of myself.

I love pets, I'm grateful, I love traveling, I love life and I enjoy it to the full.

Thanks for reading!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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