Rose E.

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Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Rose E.

46 Jahre alt | Former professor; Academic Editor & Consultant | Als Paar/Duo

As full-time housesitters and travelers, we are based in the UK currently.

We have 30 five-star TrustedHousesit ratings from our previous pet-sitting adventures and are looking forward to more. We are vaccinated and have the Pfizer booster.

We’ve housesat throughout different periods of the pandemic and are therefore well-versed in preparation for housesits in these challenging times as well as being flexible given your possible travel constraints.

Rose transitioned in 2019 from being a tenured professor to a full-time remote worker as an academic editor, writer, and coach. Seva is a language professor who teaches university language courses online in Italian, ​Spanish, ​and ​Russian​ (he also speaks French, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and some Turkish). He is also a painter.

Seva is the kind of person who makes 10 friends on the first day of arriving somewhere! I’m more introverted, which makes us a perfect match.

We’re tidy, resourceful, responsible, and, most of all, love pets.

Here's a review from Italy:

"Rose and Seva are dream housesitters! Our dog was well loved and well cared for plus our house was very clean upon our return. We had been nervous about leaving Ciro alone for the first time, which was compounded by the distance between Italy and Australia, but we felt very reassured after our first video call by Rose and Seva's calm and professional nature. They communicated frequently and were understanding of the time delay of our responses given the time differences. They also managed to keep all of our numerous plants alive despite their varied needs and the time of year. It's difficult to write anything that hasn't already been said about them, but if Rose and Seva apply to look after your pet, we can't recommend them more highly."

Here’s a review from the UK:

“We are so grateful to Rose & Seva for looking after our home, pets & garden so well whilst we were on holiday. We met them briefly before we left, and we were immediately reassured that everything was in safe hands. The house was immaculately clean and tidy on our return home & Rose had very kindly laundered the linen and towels. We had a significant amount of plants in the garden, including a big crop of tomatoes whilst we were away & Seva even took the time to make some tomato sauce for us rather than let them go to waste. We have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Rose & Seva as housesitters. Thank you both

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Seva, 57 Jahre alt, Professor and Painter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alexandra h.

TV, Montenegro - Januar 2023

Rose and Seva were the perfect cat-sitters/house-sitters. They kept us informed with regular updates on our cat, Pocky. (It looked like she was having the time of her life with both of them!) Seva is very DIY savvy as when we were away one of our faulty kitchen drawers broke and he very kindly mended it for us. Moreover, we arrived home after our trip to find our apartment pristine clean (hoovered, dusted, beds changed and washed) which was so sweet of them to do so and gave Martin and I a chance to relax on arrival (thank you so much!). They also bought us some groceries for the fridge to save us a supermarket trip when we got back which was very thoughtful. Martin and I were delighted to spend time with both of them before we left for our trip - to be honest, we wished we had more time with them as they both are such kind and interesting people! We would 100%% recommend both of them as pet/house-sitters. And, hopefully our paths cross again soon!

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