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Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Über Laura

34 Jahre alt | Student

Hello! I'm Laura and I've had a deep love for animals for as long as I can recall - starting with taking my stuffed animal dogs for "walks" around the house on leashes made from shoelaces at the age of five. Now, I have three years of professional house / pet sitting experience under my belt in my prior home of Washington DC. See my reviews here:

I will be attending the University of Oxford in September for graduate school and am taking advantage of the summer beforehand to travel in France and Italy. Whenever I travel, I strive to put myself in situations that would allow me to experience places as a local would rather than as a tourist. What better way to do this than by taking care of your pet?

I am comfortable with all pets and temperaments. If your pet is active, I can guarantee plenty of squirrel chasing, and sniffs around the local dog park.... If your pet is less athletically inclined or elderly, I can guarantee plenty of pets, belly rubs, and lying in the grass.

I am more than willing to work with your schedule, and happy to set up a Skype call and/ or in-person meeting to get to know you and your pet before you go away. I know entrusting your house / pet with a new sitter can be stressful, so will also be sure to provide frequent updates and photos while you are gone.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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