Kerry m.

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Kerry m.

55 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

I'm a single 54 year old woman living with my beautiful cat, Stormy. She is my constant companion and brings such joy to me with her antics, cuddles and strict routines. She has become more of a stickler for routine as I become less so which keeps me smiling and on my toes. She always lets me know when it's time for her shredded chicken on a plate in just the right spot under the kitchen sink at exactly 4pm, when she has pooped in her litter as she demands it be cleaned immediately, when it is bedtime for cuddles. I have loved watching her grown and bloom over the past 12 years as she was initially a very reclusive kitten when I first rescued her 12 years ago. I love her to bits and am so proud of the cat she has become. Stormy and I live in a studio flat on a property beside a forest in Brisbane, Australia. My landlords live in the main house and over the past 4 1/2 years we have lived here, have become more like extended family. We love living here. Apart from the humans, there is Stormy, Cooper the dog, who belongs to my landlords, but holds a special place in my heart, numerous water dragons, lizards, snakes and birdlife. As we live beside a forest, our neighbours are koalas, wallabies and possums. I delight in the myriad wildlife that surrounds me, feeding the wallabies their breakfast each morning, waking to the birdsong, listening to the possums play football on the tin roof at night, laughing at their antics and wondering how they don't fall off. Following the weather through the kookaburras who are always most alert before rain and watching the gardens change through the season.

I am also mother to two beautiful grown daughters whom I'm very proud of. My eldest is 30 this year and lives with her dog and my youngest is 27. She is mother to my two beautiful grandchildren who are 4 and 2. A girl and boy respectively. They light up my life in whole new way. Motherhood was a wonderful time for me, but Nonna-hood takes my life to whole new level. My youngest also has one cat and two dogs so her home can be a little crazy and chaotic at times, but always fun. Myself and my daughters have grown up with pets being an integral part of our families.

My travelling began in 2000 with a trip to Egypt and Greece, when I was still married and my sister gifted me the opportunity to explore one of my greatest interests, ancient history. Egypt was an incredible place in so many ways, however, by the time I arrived in Greece I had become so homesick and missing

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