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Sarasota, Floride, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten


59 Jahre alt | Independent Day Trader | Allein

Hello I'm Fabrice.
I'm a traveller who loves to visit new places and as I likes the company of animals, I try to combine my passions.
I work while traveling ( 2/3 hours a day with my laptop).I am a traveler for a few months. I rented my apartment (Florida) and I cross the United States from side to side. I should get my US nationality in May 2020 (French-American), traveling I will know my new country better. I'm a very quiet person and very sociable. I love reading, walking and the presence of animals.
I always had animals at home when I was little, dogs, cats, fish. I also love riding (I had a horse for 12 years), When I moved to Florida, Tara my French Bulldog came with me, of course (She passed away three years ago at 14 years old)
But above all, my mother was a veterinarian in France; the animals were always part of the family; they make the humians better.
- I support Peta every month-

(I have several reviews from owners who have trusted me that I can send you by email)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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