Lena a.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Über Lena a.

42 Jahre alt | Travel Consultant

Hey there! I am Lena, 39 years old, originally from Philadelphia, PA., USA, but currently living in beautiful Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

I have experience house-sitting through a few other sites such a Trusted House Sitters & HouseSit Mexico and have also done so for family & friends. I have been a long-time renter (since the age of 19), always maintaining a great relationship with my Landlords and upkeep of the properties. Now, I hope to house-sit for you!

I am an animal lover having always owned cats and dogs. I am a non-smoker. I have an Undergraduate degree and up until three years ago, I worked in Human Resources in a corporate setting. I have since become an entrepreneur, starting my own travel business. I curate luxury leisure experiences and coordinate logistics for corporate clients. Working for myself was the first step in fulfilling my dream of leaving the rat race and becoming a digital nomad.

I am well traveled having been to South & Central America, West Africa, South East Asia, and all over the US. I much prefer the delight of meaningful cultural exchanges over typical touristy experiences. I will go just about anywhere an opportunity presents itself. I'm fairly low-maintenance and don't require much beyond the basics, a clean environment, and good Wifi.

I can promise professionalism, attention to detail, cleanliness, reliability, and respect for your property. I am here to answer any questions you may have and I have professional references who can speak to my work ethic. I look forward to house-sitting for you.


Eu falo um pouco de português. Hablo un poco de español.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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