Andréia c.

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Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Über Andréia c.

55 Jahre alt | retired public employee

My name is Andréia, I am Brazilian but I also have American citizenship, I am 50 years old, I have a degree in economics and I have been retired for a few years. I always travel with my aunt, whose name is Marília, she has a law degree and is also retired. We love to travel the world, we have visited many countries such as Australia, Italy, Mongolia, Russia, Alaska ... but we always want to know more countries and in the countries where we have been, we have returned without a problem because there are regions that we do not know within them. We love animals, we always had a dog and Marilia's eldest daughter is a veterinarian, so we have experience. With plants too, we collect orchids. We would be happy to help you in your home so that you can travel smoothly as we do.We love to travel, to live with people, animals and plants. We love to read. I am more homely and I use the internet a lot, but my aunt usually takes long walks, so if your pet needs to exercise, that won't be a problem. We have a house in the city, on the beach and in the countryside, we like any kind of environment.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marilia, 71 Jahre alt, Aposentada, Andere

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