Alice G.

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Orba, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Alice G.

71 Jahre alt | Director of Communications, retired | Als Paar/Duo

Highly responsible, very clean, fastidious, kind, non-smoking couple who will lovingly look after your pets, home, plants or garden like they were our very own. We are dedicated to your peace of mind.
Over the years Raul and I have shared our home with cats who were like our children. (Phoebe, Nickleby, Maxwell, Rebecca, Fidel and Isabel) We love animals, especially cats, and always had them in our lives before moving from the USA to Spain permanently. In his spare time Raul now volunteers for a local animal shelter finding homes for cats that are adoptable.
We now have the flexibility to travel when and where we want and hope to use this opportunity to do so while enjoying, cuddling and spoiling other people’s pets, meeting new people, and enjoying new experiences.
We are an exceedingly kind, honest, good, and fun couple with love of nature and animals, gardening, the arts, and good food. We take this responsibility VERY seriously and will offer you total peace of mind and good communication with you while you are away. Should an emergency ever arise, they will be handled in a level-headed, mature and responsible manner with open communication to you and or your stipulated contact. We have house sat for one other home through Nomador, four homes through Trusted House Sitters, and one through Mind My Home. I can happily provide you with ALL their 5-star, excellent recommendations! On the flip side, we had pet/house-sitters in our homes in the States so we know how you feel going through this process.
We look forward to helping you out so you can leave with peace of mind and just focus on your journey.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Raul, 72 Jahre alt, Equity manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sharon w.

Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France - August 2021

Alice and Raul are a wonderful, cultivated, intelligent, and friendly couple. They are true cat lovers who really know how to take care of and understand them. Alice is also very good with plants and gardening. Raul even mowed the lawn twice, even though I never asked him to do so or even showed him the lawn-mower! Alice has lovely decorating skills and a sense of logic for overall housekeeping. They really go above and beyond duty, keeping me well informed and taking initiative to manage everyday little problems with no stress. Needless to say, the house was spotless when I came back home and the cats very happy and healthy. Alice and Raul will always be welcome for another house sit, or just a visit!

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