Henrique z.

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Granada, Andalusia, Spain

Über Henrique z.

38 Jahre alt | clerk bank

We are a couple in their thirties and have been married for 13 years. That's right, you didn't read it wrong. We chose to live together from a young age and for much of this time we had other members in the family. Kika, a beautiful black Lab dog who had been from Henry since they were both children, and Max, a mutt we'd picked up from the street, was all made of love and gratitude.
Many years ago Kika passed away from old age. And three years ago we lost our Max to a spinal cord aplasia. Since then we live in many cities, in Brazil, Italy and Spain.
Currently we work and study at a distance, which gives us freedom, but makes it impossible for us to have another puppy.
We always traveled a lot, and when we lived in Brazil, close to friends and family, we left our dogs in their care. We know how important it is to be assured that our pets are being cared for.
We want you to feel safe and quiet to travel and rest while we lovingly take care of your home and pets. Count on us! We will be very happy and thankful to share the love with your pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Aline, 37 Jahre alt, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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