Kayla w.

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Seattle, Washington, United States

Über Kayla w.

34 Jahre alt | Nanny

Hallo! My boyfriend (José) and I are currently living in Potsdam, Germany where he is finishing up his Masters degree (environmental conservation) and I am nannying for 2 lovely boys. We are looking to experience more of Europe while he works on his thesis remotely and I begin studying for my Masters online! I am only fluent in English sadly, but José speaks Spanish, English, and German (he's a native Costa Rican). We are both animal lovers, always fantasizing about the day we can finally have pets of our own, so being able to care for animals while taking care of a home is an ideal opportunity for us. As we are both studying online, we will be home all day and would welcome the chance to get out for dog walks, or caring for other animals, gardens, etc. We are able to start August, and are available for a year or more, depending on your needs and how things work out! We can't wait to meet you and any and all furry friends :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jose, 34 Jahre alt, Student, Ehepartner / Partner

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