Bliss c.

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King, North Carolina, United States

Über Bliss c.

67 Jahre alt | Aesthetician / Business Owner / Professional Pet Sitter (Member of PSI - Pet Sitters International)

Life is good and I like to enjoy it. My love for people has allowed me to relate to them easily and lovingly forming great friendships either at home or during my trips. It is a joy for me and I am a friend for life. I was an executive assistant for about 30 years working for big corporations; being resourceful and skilled granted me a good career. Now I am an aesthetician (skin care therapist) and absolutely love it. I am the sole proprietor of a small practice in King, NC, USA and work alone. I own my time and can decide when to go anywhere. I love dogs, cats, birds, horses, plants and have I mentioned that I love People, too? LOL. I have lived in Brazil, Portugal, Canada and Venezuela and speak Portuguese and Spanish fluently. My Italian is a little rusty, but a few minutes in Italy or a conversation will bring it all back. French is not all foreign to me and I can communicate in French if I need to. I am a careful housekeeper, very organized and have a lot of respect for other people's properties and belongings. I have plenty of people who will give reference about my character, personality and abilities.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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