Mary h.

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Über Mary h.

53 Jahre alt | Retired from Emergency Services & Teaching

I’m a happy, outgoing lady who loves to travel, but… I prefer to be of more use than simply playing tourist in popular destinations. Perhaps because of my medical and teaching background, I like to travel with purpose for service or learning. I definitely prefer to experience new places as a local.

I was put on this earth to care for others and am devoted to animals, having spent decades fostering “high-need” cases for specialized medical care/surgical recovery, training/behavioral rehabilitation, pregnancies, etc. I assessed applications of potential adopters for all of my fosters, finding the perfect forever home. I also have a close friend who breeds Siberian cats whom I regularly helped when he travelled. I still like to handle and train/rehab all types of dogs: tiny to extra-extra-large, stubborn, highly intelligent, timid to “dangerous-unless-you-know-what-you’re-doing”.

I’ve never failed to bond with an animal in my care, never a bite or attack when interacting, training, or grooming because I have respect, experience, confidence, understanding of behavior and communication, love, and a gentle but firm manner. I have experience with every animal seen on here so far (dog, cat, hedgehog, small animals, horses, goats, chickens, fish etc.), and others I have yet to see (cows, honeybees, reptiles/snakes, etc.).

I am mom to two wonderful (now grown) girls, many of their closest friends (who call me “Momma Hooper”), and two happy fur-babies. My style/philosophy on the care and keeping of husbands, kids, and animals hasn’t changed much over the years: it is my privilege to care for them and my honor to help them become their best.

When I stay at your home, your priorities are my priorities. If don’t leave your fur-baby alone, neither will I. Some dogs have anxiety when they cannot be near their people (varies with the dog from minutes to hours), and it breaks my heart when sitters are not as attentive as they could be. Even with well-adjusted animals here at home, I have never kenneled or left them for long periods. When they can’t join me for the outing and no one else is home, I keep it short enough for their comfort or make other arrangements.

Since my youngest is now grown, I am ready to travel farther and more often. My favorite kind of travel is the local experience, not the tourist one… and I am happiest when helping others. If there is something in the region I simply must see, I play touri

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