Elizabeth j.

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Über Elizabeth j.

26 Jahre alt | Graduate Student

I am a graduate student looking to travel somewhere new this summer. I am mainly available the entire month of July. I have a dog of my own, who will not be joining me on my travels, but naturally I have a love for animals, am very responsible and taking care of pets is a part of my daily life. I love plants and have many of my own. Taking care of your green friends will be no problem for me. I look to care for your pets and home as I care for my own!

I'd love to be within walking distance of a vibrant town, city or beach. I will not have a car but enjoy biking and public transport. I am looking to experience new cuisine & culture during my stay. I worked selling wine & cheese for many years and would love to be surrounded by food & restaurants. I grew up in a historic home so I have a love for unique homes, architecture and the quirks that come with these properties.

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