Patti k.

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Saratoga Springs, New York, United States

Über Patti k.

65 Jahre alt | Owner of print / copy business

Steve and I are engaged and love people and travel. We would like to travel but have a desire to connect with the area and people we visit. We are both religious people who care about our surroundings and the people in our lives. We are both outgoing and friendly, helpful and mindful of our accommodations and the critters we care for. Steve reaches out to help a lot of his friends for nothing and takes his veteran friends to appointments. We are respectful people who enjoy meeting and making new friends and would love the opportunity to see your part of the country. Steve was Air Force law enforcement for 21 years and I am a business owner of 36 years who is contemplating my retirement in the very near future. We use Airbnb a lot and have always left the homes better than we found them. Steve especially asks if there is something that needs to be done. We expect our home to be clean and leave others homes clean as well. We both love animals and often pet sit for our families and friends, and have neighbor dogs who live next door that think we are theirs. We have a lot of interests between us and are always open to new adventures and foods. We love the outdoors, bike riding, walking, motorcycling, site seeing, working outdoors, horse riding, photography, fairs, museums, cathedrals, architecture and I could go on forever. We are just open people who would love to meet you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Steve, 64 Jahre alt, Retired AF Law Enforcement, Ehepartner / Partner

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