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Durham, North Carolina, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat


78 Jahre alt | research assistant, retired

We have had four delightful home and pet-sitting experiences in France: St. Prix, Loire Valley, and Normandy, and Provence. The hosts were all very welcoming, the dogs and cats were fun to care for, and all four areas were great to explore. Living in a home far from our home in North Carolina, shopping at the weekly market, taking walks with a dog or on our own, getting a haircut, and trying out our little bit of French with people in the neighborhood, has given us the experience of really living in France.

I was a research assistant at Duke University and my husband was a realtor. We have always wanted to live in Europe, and lived in Italy for 10 months, renting apartments for a month or two in several different towns, and want to return to Europe May, 2019. My husband was in the Peace Corps in Ghana. and I was an exchange student in Colombia, which sparked our interest in travel and getting to know people in the countries we visit. We miss not having a pet, and would love to live in a home with at least one. I grew up with dogs, and we have always had dogs and one cat since we were married.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joseph, 82 Jahre alt, retired realtor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marie france b.

Bollène, France - Juli 2019

Susan et Joseph sont très agréables et cultives je ,n'ai qu'a me féliciter de leur avoir fait confiance le cha

Ruud c.

Paris, France - Mai 2019

Susan and Joe took great care of our cat Sticker, updating us regularly while we were away . Sticker seemed to be very much at ease with them. They are lovely people, with interesting stories and I cannot recommend them enough. Your home and pet are in safe hands with them.

Sophie c.

Juli 2018

Un seul mot : PARFAITS .... et puis ADORABLES ..... et aussi SUPERS .... En fait nous ne tarissons pas d’éloges pour Susan et Joe Ils nous manquent tant !!! We miss YOU !!!!

Doraine f.

Chamalières, France - November 2017

Jo et Suzan ont été de formidable dogsitters ! Adorables et intéressants, ils se sont bien occupés de notre chien Bacchus et chat Garffield et ont pris soin de la maison en nous donnant des nouvelles régulièrement. Nous sommes devenus amis, et ils seront toujours les bienvenus chez nous. Je recommande particulièrement Suzan et Jo sur qui on peut vraiment compter à tous points de vue.

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