ashcat G.

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Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Über ashcat G.

58 Jahre alt | Airline employee

Hello and thanks for taking a look at our profile. We are a well-travelled family with five gorgeous children who are nearly all independent. Our youngest child is 17 and he most likely will be travelling with us when we pet sit.
I have been employed with Qantas for 25 years and my husband Damian is a manager for Main Roads Queensland and has been employed there for 24 years. When our children were smaller we had many adventures House Swapping around Australia but as three kids are in full-time work and still at home we no longer have an empty home to swap. So then the next adventure began with pet sitting.
We have had 40 very successful pet sits around Australia (this is where working for Qantas comes in handy with flights!) and have some excellent references available and have just returned from a fabulous 'kitty' sit to Spain and Montenegro!!.
We really love animals and staying in someones home and having the privilege not to mention the wonderful trust all these families have in us is an amazing feeling. To me, it's very spiritual that there can be so much honesty and openness between our family and yours.

Whenever we have pet sits we have used the families vehicles as well which has been so welcome as their pets like going to the park or beach for a play and decent run. We are great believers in leaving the families home cleaner and tidier than when we arrived and that has seen us washing cars, children's clothing that the family may not have had time to do before they left, cleaning bookcases, washing dog bedding etc.

We also believe in daily updates (if not more) by way of texts of happy pets playing, cuddling up with our children and even of them being bathed! In Australia, we have been using other pet sitting sites such as Mindahome, Aussiehousesit as well as Trusted Housesitters. I will add some referrals from these other sites we use. The Trusted Housesitters site has been amazing and has seen us travel to Bangkok the year before last and to Hong Kong, South Korea, China and just recently to Puerto Rico!.
The reason we use the other pet sit sites is that we have limited holidays ie school holidays mostly but as I am a Job sharer I have a lot of time to travel. Damian has a normal 8-4pm job so doesn't have the same flexibility as myself hence some of the pet sits have just been me with one or two of my children.

We are very determined to have many more adventures pet sitting and hope that you wo

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lia, Student, Kind
Damian, Manager, Ehepartner / Partner
Eden, Student, Kind

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