Marsella c.

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Durango, Colorado, United States

Über Marsella c.

48 Jahre alt | Wine Import Procurement Director

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I'm a full-time traveler and remote worker. I currently live in France with my partner, for part of the year but I am required to leave the Schengen territory for half of the year due to visa limitations. Whenever I need to leave Europe I usually look for housesitting opportunities. Outside of work (which is typically 30 hours per week), I prefer to be outside in nature doing activities such as hiking/walking, or biking. Due to my light workload, I have plenty of free time to devote to your pets. I am very active, I do not drink very much despite a career in wine. I am a 48-year-old woman who primarily travels solo, and prefers a quiet lifestyle.

Why I want to house sit:
I have a passion for travel and exploration but for most of my life, I was unable to do so between the commitments of my job, family, and pets.

I am now in a unique situation in my life where nothing is tying me down. I am happily working remotely, which allows me to take advantage of my passion for international travel. In 2022, I was able to housesit for families in Egypt, Turkey, London, and the United States. Because I know what it is like to have someone stay in my home, I am particularly respectful of people's privacy. I also ensure a high level of cleanliness and care with their space.

It is in my nature to love animals and I have always been this way. I prefer life in the company of animals, but obviously, my current lifestyle does not lend itself to having pets. This is why I love pet-sitting so much.

My experience:
I have been housesitting all over the world and I have many reviews. I can send you my Trusted House Sitter profile will 20+ reviews. I am very respectful of other people's lives, things, and privacy. I genuinely care for animals. I have a lot of experience with animals and have owned four dogs and two cats. I have also been a reliable pet and house sitter for five different families. I am a very positive, and gentle-natured person. I am clean and I am non-intrusive.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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