Dan s.

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Dingwall, Nova Scotia, Canada

Über Dan s.

59 Jahre alt | Director of a Not for Profit (Youth and Families)

We are a couple living in Nova Scotia Canada. I recently retired and my partner works for a National park between June to October. Prior to moving out east, we both worked for a Not for Profit organization in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. We worked with disadvantaged youth and their families. I was a Director and my spouse worked in another department. In 2019, I married the woman of my dreams and in 2020, after 33 years of working, I retired. My partner and I wanted to be open to new experiences and explore as many places possible. Our adventure started by moving to a beautiful part of Canada 1800 kms away from home.

We both have had animals throughout our lives, my partner grew up on a farm for a few years and is very familiar with various animals and reptiles. I grew up with dogs, cats, chameleon, budgies, hamsters and a gecko. Sadly and recently our other family member, our dog "jackpot" - a wonderful companion passed away.

We are tidy, organized, courteous, respectful and appreciative of the world around us and would take care of your home like we have ours. House sitting complements our dreams of travel and provides an opportunity to meet new people, places and animals.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Josee, 50 Jahre alt, Book keeper, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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