Tainara M.

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Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Tainara M.

25 Jahre alt | Writer & Marketing Manager | Allein

Hi there! My name is Tainara, I'm 25 years old and brazilian from Rio. I've been surrounded by pets all my life. Growing up in my parents' house, I had the joy of sharing my life with 6 adopted dogs over the years. When I moved away for college, I started working as a pet sitter to help with expenses. Since 2018, I've been welcoming dogs and cats into my apartment while their owners are away. I absolutely adore their company and affection, and I have plenty of experience handling their daily routines, ensuring they feel at home even with someone new caring for them.

In 2022, I began traveling solo across South America. Last year, I explored various countries in Europe, and now in 2024, I'm seeking opportunities for free accommodation in Australia as I embark on my Master's degree journey starting in July in Queensland. I'll be arriving in the country in April and will have availability in the following months to explore, seek employment while studying, and save financially wherever possible.

I thrive on new experiences, and I believe this is the perfect opportunity to immerse myself in something different in a country I'll be visiting for the first time! I hope we can help each other out. It would be my pleasure to share some of my time with your pet.

Looking forward to connecting ;)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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