Hannah C.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Über Hannah C.

32 Jahre alt | Marketer | Allein

Hello, my name is Hannah and I would love the opportunity to look after your home. I am respectful, kind, trustworthy, very tidy, and would take great care of your property and (if applicable) pet/s. I had two cats growing up (beautiful boys called Murphy & Winston) and have also looked after many dogs. I am wholeheartedly an animal lover and would without a doubt ensure your animal is loved and cared for while you are away.

I am currently on a 4-month travel holiday from New Zealand (taking a small break from my Marketing Manager role as I am in my early thirties). Prior to traveling, I was house-sitting for 4 months in New Zealand and loved looking after people's homes and pets. While I travel, I'd love the opportunity to house-sit and really get to know a city (while looking after your furry friends).

I am more than happy to provide you with references from previous sits and can easily jump on a Zoom call to meet. I hope to be hearing from you soon!

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