Terry D.

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Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Terry D.

65 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

My name is Terry and my wife is Michelle. We have chosen to retire early and travel. I have left an Executive role in Insurance after 28 years and my wife is/was a beautician. We have travelled the world and have experience in many countries. We have 2 sons both now living in London. I have both an Australian and British passport. We like to experience the “local” scene no matter where that is and we are very adaptable. We both love animals of all types and usually pets settle easily with me, I am a bit of an animal whisperer. We have wild birds and animals which visit when I go outside for a glass of wine. I always had dogs until my work became too hectic and I needed to travel. We chose not to have a dog whilst we were both working as we think they need company. A couple of my dogs, “old English Sheepdogs” had puppies so dogs are in very safe hands. I was a registered wildlife carer rescuing native animals and trying to assist them recover from sickness or injury. If you have a pet it will be comfortable with us and your home will be well looked after.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michelle, 62 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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