Kimberley b.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Über Kimberley b.

31 Jahre alt | Insurance

Hello, I'm Kimberley, and I'm a online English teacher for children in China. The flexibility of this career allows me to travel and watch over your house and beloved pets as if they were my own.

I am an Australian in my mid-twenties and a non-smoker. I hold a degree in Animal Sciences and several animal management certificates. During my studies I worked with the RSPCA to rehabilitate and re-home cats, dogs and other domestic animals. I've worked with RDA (Riding for the Disabled) for 12 years and have experience with both horses and donkeys.

I've owned dogs, cats, hermit crabs and ponies over the years. Most recently a rehabilitated Beagle, rescued from a puppy farm. I have experience in anxious pets and specialty care requirements. I appreciate the importance of sticking to an animals regular routine.

As I work from home I have plenty of time to treat your animals with the care and love they deserve. I provide regular updates to ensure you can rest easy and enjoy your vacation knowing your animals and possessions are in safe hands.

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