Anne h.

Dieser Benutzer wurde von Nomador als eines der engagiertesten und erfahrensten Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

LA, California, United States


Über Anne h.


My husband Mike and I have left on our honeymoon in 2012 and have been traveling the world ever since. We just thought a ten-day honeymoon wasn’t nearly enough to celebrate a new life together. With a bit of savings, no kids, and good health, we figured there was no better time to travel than now. So we quit our jobs, rented our condo, and set out on a multi-year honeymoon around the world. Using my background as a magazine editor and Mike’s as a digital media strategist and photographer, we started to share our journey of love, life, and adventure.

I'm originally from California and Mike is from Pennsylvania; we have both grown up with dogs (Max, Molly, Maxamillion, and Hunk) and cats (Sammy, Jessie, and Snickers) and wish we could have had more in our tiny Hoboken apartment. We call Mike the dog whisper because with this magic scratching and loving words, he can win any dog (or cat) over

Housesitting has been a wonderful way for us to satiate our love of travel while having an inspiring and more stable environment to grow our travel writing business. We love connecting with homeowners, loveable pets, and new communities. We hope we can sit for you someday!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mike, digital media, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Mali Losinj, Croatia - November 2016

Mike and Anne were really professional, kind and neat couple. They took great care of our cats and kept us frequently informed with pictures and texts. They really did everything to make us sure our house and cats are safe and taken care of. We had great time cooking dinner, talking and showing them around Lošinj. Hope they enjoyed Croatia and come back!


Juli 2016

Wonderful experience my first time, I was very worried about my kitty but absolutley no problem from day one. Super couple had a great time the couple of days we spent together before and after housesit. Would recommend them in a heart beat

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