Jennifer h.

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Greenville, South Carolina, United States

Über Jennifer h.

30 Jahre alt | Photographer

Hi! My name is Jenny Hitt.

I am a twenty-three-year-old recent college graduate and world traveler. So far I have visited several countries in South America, Europe, and Asia as well as many more international cities. I have taken photos all my life but have recently decided to turn this passion into a profession. Poet by night and dreamer by day, wanderlust and love for adventure has followed me from a young age.

In the future I hope to become a published poet and professional photographer for National Geographic. It is my dream to travel the world while using these two passions to bring awareness, hope, and healing to people with various mental disorders, victims of abuse, and those they know and love. As I am just starting out as a professional photographer, I am looking into options for world-travel as it is one of my biggest passions.
I have been house-sitting in the states for several years now for several families and their pets and can provide references. I grew up on a small farm and am well-experienced in animal care from livestock to house pets. I am also excellent at gardening and plant care. I am a deep thinker with a big heart and love meeting new people while discovering new places. Being the oldest of five siblings, I am hard working and know how to handle myself in a responsible manner. I look forward to meeting you!

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Callum, Actor, Ehepartner / Partner

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