Courtney h.

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Woodstock, Vermont, United States

Über Courtney h.

46 Jahre alt | Hospitality - front office supervisor

Hi! I am a Southern California native, who has been living in Vermont for 5 years. While I miss my flip flops in February, it is amazing to live in such a beautiful place and enjoy the glory of each of the five seasons (we have a mud season here too!) I love animals, and have had many different pets over my life (including dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, mice, birds, chickens and horses). I also love to travel - so this seems like a wonderful opportunity to get to enjoy both.
I am not allowed to have pets where I live currently, so I started doing pet sitting locally. I am pictured with Porter, who I have had the privilege to watch twice a year, for three weeks at a time, for the last couple years. We have the best time going on hikes together! I have three other families in the area that I regularly house/pet sit for when they go out of town for the weekend or on longer vacations. It is a great experience that I am hoping to enjoy internationally.
Before starting a career here in hospitality, I was a Nanny to twin girls for five years. I am responsible and trustworthy - and have lots of experience taking care of both animals, and children alike. I also feel like I understand what it means to work/live in someone's home, and care for it and the family like it is your own.
I am a single woman, 40's, non-smoker, vegetarian. I love to read, snowboard, and explore new places.

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