Lauren s.

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Oakland, California, United States

Über Lauren s.

35 Jahre alt | Full-time Grad Student

I'm an health-conscious country girl who uprooted and moved to the West Coast! Born and raised near St. Louis I have always had my sights on the horizon for the next adventure. My passions include hiking in the wilderness, photography, yoga, Ayurvedic medicine and natural homemade body care products. I'm also studying to become a Doctor of Chiropractic! So when I'm not exploring the outdoors, taking pictures and keeping fit I'm in school learning all I can about neurology.

I've house-sat a handful of times for our neighbors and for a few family members. Have years of experience taking care of both cats and dogs, but love furry, feathery and scaly friends. Growing up in a small farming community it was expected that you knew how to grow your own food. So if you have a garden that needs a little TLC or some orchids that you want to make sure are still alive when you return, I got you covered.

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