Noel t.

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Enterprise, Oregon, United States

Über Noel t.

28 Jahre alt | Traveling CNA (Nursing Assistant)

Hey! I am a single, outgoing, kind young woman who is looking for a little extra adventure in her 2020.

As a traveling caregiver I find myself in new and exciting locations quite often. I love my primary job, especially the adventure and change that comes with it. However, one downside of being away so often is that I am unable to have a furry companion of my own anymore. I love animals, and chances are I'll love yours, meeting him/her/them would give me a shot at getting at LEAST the minimum amount of animal kisses a human being needs day to day.

I crave excitement and diversity, I feel house sitting in different places will provide an outlet for that as well. Plus I'll get to meet you!

While I am new to this site, I have a lot of experience looking after a variety of animals. From fish to horses, I can promise your hairy (or feathery) member of the family will be safe and happy with me! I've been a very active member on TrustedHousesitters and for over a year now, and have great references available (upon your request) from both sites. I'm often a repeat house sitter for families who travel frequently.

My twin sister Holly may accompany me on trips depending on her schedule and whether or not you are comfortable with that - she's the most wonderful person I know.

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